Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Lots of Things in My Head, But Nothing to Write About

It seems I have a million items in my head all needing to get out, but none of them feel interesting enough to say more than ten or fifteen words about each subject in total. So I'm making a list of the mental shrapnel; duck if it hits close.

1. I love horses. I hate horses. Depends on the day and the behavior of a particular equine at a particular time. Let's just say that Sunday was a "hate" day.
2. I love summer. I hate summer. Summer = my kid stays at home and does a lot of stuff around the house that we don't usually have time for. Love that part. Summer = heat. REALLY hate that part (see previous post).
3. Why is it that when you have a set time to leave your job every day that the no one wants anything to do with you until six minutes before you need to leave? This will eventually cause me to go postal, and, being a short fat woman, it will not be a pretty sight.
4. Depo-Provera was the best drug ever invented.
5. We've discovered a new Mexican restaurant called Las Fuentes (translation: the fountains). We ate close to our body weight in unbelievably amazing food on Friday night. The resident carnivore in my house (aka my daughter) ate so much carne asada that I thought she would explode. We joked about the Monty Python "Would you like a wafer?" sketch on the way home.
6. Generic paper towels are crappy and just do not come close to the Viva brand.
7. I am too cheap to pay for the Los Angeles Times crossword puzzle service that lets you look at and print out any number of puzzles from current and past months. If you don't subscribe you can only print out the last four weeks of puzzles, and I never remember to do it every week or two. This makes me crazy when I want a new puzzle, and yet I can't bring myself to pay for the service. How stupid and cheap am I? Yet I pay $110 a month for Directv--go figure.
8. Fantasy football. WTF??? Who thinks these things up?
9. I finally got a new clip-on phone case for my iPhone. The old one that I bought when I got the phone in January degenerated into a piece of CRAP. Did I mention it was BAD BAD BAD? And ugly? I went to Best Buy on Sunday and got a new one that looks as if it might actually last more than ten minutes and was not unattractive. I could feel my blood pressure go down as I slipped my phone in its new case and tossed the old one in the trash. (Insert giant sigh of relief here.)
10. We're moving barns on August 1st, which is a LOT of work. But the good part is that I have a lot of friends that have offered to help, and they really mean it. It's just good for the soul to know that you have people in your life that care about you, even when you have to move. That's when the fair-weather types disappear, and the real friends are there for you.

I feel better now. Got anything to get off your chest?


  1. Never feel bad about being..."frugal." I wouldn't pay for that service, either, and I'm a c-word puzzle addict. If you can get any part of it for free, then that's good enough, imho. Shoot me that URL, if you would. Although, I think my newspaper uses the LA Times puzzles, so I might remember them.

  2. I know someone who lives and dies by Fantasy Football. Frankly, I just don't see the appeal.
