Friday, November 13, 2009


Hello one and all. Life at the Funny Farm has been wild and crazy. Well, maybe not wild or really actually crazy, but just extremely busy. The horse business has geared up, and we've been to one horse show and are preparing for another in a few weeks. We have three of our horses up for lease, and have been talking to a number of people about them. We are also looking at another horse for E, located in San Diego, and are probably going on a short road trip tomorrow to see him. The day-job part of my life has also been very busy, as we are doing a lot of computer setup work to get ready for tax season starting in January. So I haven't really had the time or energy to sit down and write, but I don't want to stop doing this, as it really does help to have a completely different forum in which to air my grievances, spout off about life, and let people know what's happening in my little corner of the world.

I'm going to try to be more regular about posting, but you know how that goes. With two horse shows in the next two months, looking at sale horses, the holidays coming up at warp speed, and my mother coming to visit in December for three weeks, I can't really promise that I won't just be a wine-soaked human in a vegetative state during those few moments that I'm not doing the day job or working horses. I'm not complaining, just (as House would say) stating the obvious. Stay tuned for more fun and exciting adventures. And have a cocktail while you're waiting.


  1. Oh, how very lovely for a reason in writing to have a martini!Merci beaucoup, and best of luck at the show avec son chevals!

  2. ANY reason for a martini is a good one. And thanks for the good wishes for the show. We are looking forward to it, and E has worked oh-so-hard to get herself and her horse ready. Updatres will be posted as they are available.

  3. Sneaking by to say Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

  4. Thank you so much--and the same to you and yours.
